Things of Interest and Inspiration

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nina Tolstrup

Kidshouseintro: #205 Kids' House by Studiomama ... Danish designer Nina Tolstrup is currently based in London and designs products for companies while also taking a pro-active approach designing, manufacturing and selling her own ranges under the Studiomama name ... the kids house was build as an intriguing and playful structure that both could serve as a sleeping space or playhouse ... I think it's not for sale and is for her own kids, but what a great idea, if you ever have space enough...i ithink your kids will always be grateful...!

Catching the Wild – a coat stand carrying your wild clothes. Made out of steel and polyester rope. Desiged by Kai Linke & Johannes Hemann

Michel Blazy

Artkrush: "Artwork by: Michel Blazy
Patman 2, 2006
Soy noodles"

Cloudless, 2006 Artwork by: Loris Cecchini

Artkrush: "Artwork by: Loris Cecchini"

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Designed by a Portland based agency for Gorge Grown Farmers Market.



Monday, June 2, 2008

WOOLOO.ORG - Opportunities for Artists

WOOLOO.ORG - Opportunities for Artists
THE SANDWICH BOX is circulating between artists around the world.
THE SANDWICH BOX is an ongoing, collaborative artwork.
THE SANDWICH BOX is a gesture and a fellow traveller.

As part of the NEW LIFE BERLIN Contemporary Art Festival, artists anywhere in the world have been encouraged to apply to obtain THE SANDWICH BOX for one week. 

THE SANDWICH BOX is consisting of a metal suitcase measuring: 31 x 37,5 x 12,5 cm (height, length, width). This suitcase is packed with a “Lysthus” (“Gazebo” in English) tent measuring 200 x 150 x 150 cm (height, length, width). The tent can be unpacked from the suitcase and has room for a couple of people.

In applying for THE SANDWICH BOX, artists are free to use the box and tent for whatever artwork, situation or other scenario they might find relevant. However, a contextual codex for inspiration can be found

ART CRASH, international art project, Kulturhus Aarhus, Denmark

ART CRASH, international art project, Kulturhus Aarhus, Denmark: "�ART CRASH is an international art and culture project taking place in Aarhus in 1998 and 1999. ART CRASH is where art forms collide: Installation art - theatre - dance - painting - music - sculpture - literature - video - film - photography."

New to Denmark - the Official Portal for Foreigners and Integration

To start page
New to Denmark - the Official Portal for Foreigners and Integration

Spouses, registered partners and cohabiting partners

If your spouse, registered partner or cohabiting partner lives in Denmark, you can apply for a residence permit on the grounds of family reunification. 

However, you and your spouse/partner, as well as your relationship, must meet certain requirements.

There are a number of specific requirements relating to your spouse/partner living in Denmark. These requirements primarily concern the reasons for his or her residence in Denmark and his or her ability to support him/herself and you.

Requirements relating to you and your spouse/partner

  • You must both be over the age of 24.
  • You must live together at the same address in Denmark when your residence permit is granted.
  • Your combined attachment to Denmark must be greater than your combined attachment to any other country. Read more about the attachment requirement.

Requirements relating to your spouse/partner in Denmark

Your spouse/partner in Denmark must:

  • be a Danish citizen or a citizen of one of the other Nordic countries YOU ARE!
  • must reside permanently in Denmark. YOU DO!

must have accommodation of adequate size at his or her disposal.

must be able to support him/herself and you. In most cases, this requirement will be met if your spouse/partner has not received public assistance under the terms of the Active Social Policy Act (lov om aktiv socialpolitik) or the Integration Act (integrationsloven) for at least 12 months prior to the application being processed by the Immigration Service.

Pernille this is where we will have to make a change and stop excepting government funding/Help. Your student loans do not count just unemployment assistance and we will have to wait one year because of that, too bad. The other big one is that we have to give Denmark 58,200 DKK so i guess i better start saving.  

  • must post DKK 58,207 (2008 level) in bank-backed collateral to cover any public assistance paid to you by your municipality after you relocate to Denmark. Read more about the collateral requirement.
  • must not have been convicted of violent acts against a former spouse/partner within a period of 10 years prior to your application being processed.

Work in Denmark - EN

Ministry of Science, Technology and InnovationWork in Denmark - ENWork 

An attractive working environment 
Free and development-focused working conditions in a relaxed and participatory environment 

Long-term employment, internships, short-term summer programs, au-pair programs and voluntary work camps in Scandinavia

Long-term employment, internships, short-term summer programs, au-pair programs and voluntary work camps in Scandinavia


With the exception of those having unique, highly sought-after skills, it is difficult for foreigners to secure long-term employment in Scandinavia. As is true in all countries, Scandinavian governments seek to protect the employment opportunities of their citizens, and therefore limit the work possibilities open to foreign citizens.

If you are a member of a professional organization, you might contact the organization's headquarters for the address of the counterpart organization in the country in which you are interested. Professional organizations may be aware of the prerequisites and opportunities for employment in foreign countries, or can provide you with useful suggestions on where to obtain this information.

Although a number of U.S. firms have offices in Scandinavia, recruitment is usually made from among the firm's experienced staff overseas. For a listing of U.S. firms with offices abroad, you can consult:

Directory of American Firms Operating in Foreign Countries, $89.00 for a survey of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Available from UNIWorld Business Publications, Tel: (508) 376-6006 E-mail:

It is necessary for you to apply for a work permit before you leave the U.S., and before you can apply for a work permit, you must have written confirmation of a job. Work permits are issued by the Embassy or a Consulate General of the country in question; the length of time required to obtain a work permit varies, and permits are not automatically granted. You are thus advised to check into procedures well in advance of your date of departure. For information, contact the appropriate Embassy:

The Royal Danish Embassy, 3200 Whitehaven Street N.W., Wash. D.C. 20008; Tel: (202) 234-4300 Fax: (202) 328-1470

PAmerican-Scandinavian Foundation

Public Project Proposal Guidelines

Scandinavian Cultural Exchange (August Deadline)
American-Scandinavian Foundation 

The American-Scandinavian Foundation promotes the cultures of the Nordic countries in the United States and American culture in the Nordic countries by encouraging programs that will enhance public appreciation of culture, art, and thought. In establishing priorities, the Foundation considers the lasting benefits that may be achieved by any grant, and favors projects where its contribution will complement support from other sources.

Contact: staff
Phone: 212-879-9779
Grant link:
Deadline: 08-15-2008

Awards are given to non-profit organizations only. Proof of an organization's non-profit status (as a 501(c)(3) or equivalent) is required. 

Thursday, May 29, 2008

KONTRAPUNKT / Corporate Identity, Product Brand Identity

KONTRAPUNKT / Corporate Identity, Product Brand Identity

Kontrapunkt advises on designand brand strategy worldwide. Browse our client list, and case descriptions section for further information about us. - Home - Home

Satellite of love

Satellite of love

more from good morning technology- satellite of love is their blog

Goodmorning Technology v3 - uh

Make your most important career move now!


We are currently hiring select talents to work in Copenhagen, Denmark. The following advertisements are in Danish only, because we are seeking colleagues fluent in Danish.


No agencies, please.

24. april 2008

Vi leder efter en talentfuld industriel designer. Du tænker smukt, stort, du kan alle de der ting som man forventer, og du har ikke noget imod at arbejde med medicinsk udstyr den ene dag og nogle af de mest markante møbelfirmaer den næste. Kort sagt, så er både dine kompetencer og din faglighed meget bred.

12. april 2008

Som projektleder skal du være initiativrig og top notch i et kreativt miljø hvor du kommer til at arbejde med salg og projektledelse inden for grafik, produkt og digital design. Du skal tænke på tværs og tænke stort.

Knud Holscher Design

Knud Holscher Design
GH form / PictoformGH form / Pictoform


Barlby Carlsson

Barlby Carlsson